ABC’s of Online Safety

Phishing is the method of trying to gain personal information and/or money through deceptive emails and websites. There are many different types of phishing attacks that can happen which will be discussed in more detail in Lesson 2, however in this lesson we want to introduce you to the ABC’s of online safety to help you from falling victim to these phishing attacks.


Awareness about the key types of internet security attacks and ways scammers try to get you to react.

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  • Fear/Urgency (i.e. “Update your password or your account will be deactivated.”) ​
  • Greed (i.e. “You’ve been randomly selected for a cash prize!”) ​
  • Curiosity (i.e. “Click this link to see a map of COVID-19 spread in your city!”) ​
  • Pressure/Aggression (i.e. “You sold me a terrible product!”) ​
  • Opportunity/Entertainment (i.e. “Don’t miss out – free concert tickets, limited time only!”)

Best Practices

Assess and use best practice

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  • Slow down and think before you click when reading emails or pop-ups. ​
  • NEVER send confidential information about your account in an email​
  • Avoid questionable websites. Only interact with reputable websites. ​
  • Look for the lock when shopping online​
  • Use anti-virus and firewall software on your computer​

Stay Current

Keep updated!

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  • Update your apps Keeping your apps and OS up to date ensures you have the latest security protections​
  • Update your anti-virus software Keep your paid subscriptions up to date, and perform any updates if it prompts you