Google Duo Calls

In just a few steps you can start a video call with your loved ones. Below is a short video on how to use the Google Duo app to make a call. Click Play on the video to start it.

Remember: you can rewind and pause the video if you need to.

How to start a Google Duo call

camera, video, icon-2008489.jpg

[word_balloon id=”mystery_men” size=”M” position=”R” name_position=”under_avatar” radius=”true” avatar_hide=”true” name=”” balloon=”tail” balloon_shadow=”true” font_size=”20″ bg_color=”#0046be”]

Wow, great lesson Agent! Thank you for showing us how to complete a Google Duo call. I can’t wait to start making calls to my family and friends. Learner, if you would like to review the steps, a resource link has been posted below. Click on the link below to view the steps on how to start a Google Duo call!


Google Support Link:

Helpful Hint

  • During a call, hold the device about 12 inches from your face and at eye level. This will allow the person on the other end to see you better.