Whenever you are online it is always important to make sure you are being safe so that hackers and scammers cannot access your data. This is especially true when using any social media platform. That is why every platform has security settings that can be controlled by the user at any time.
Below are safety tips to think of when using social media. If you want to read more about online safety in general, be sure to check out our Online Safety Course!
Safety Tips
Read the privacy policy: Every social media platform has its own privacy policy. Be sure to read and understand so that you can decide if you would like to sign up.
Learn about privacy settings: always check out the privacy settings that are available. These settings allow you to manage and control who can see your information.
Think before you post: before you post anything online, think about whether or not it is something you want everyone to see. Once something is posted online it can be difficult to remove it permanently.
Educate yourself on internet scams: read up on how to prevent online scams, fraud and theft. There is more information on this in our Online Safety Course.