Settings App Overview

The Settings app is a built-in app on the iPhone and can be thought of as the control center. It allows you to customize your device to fit your needs and wants. Through the settings app you can manage your accounts, change the look, and the feel of the operating system and even adjust accessibility features to meet your needs.

As an introduction to the Settings app, we are going to discuss two main features the Settings app provides: 1) how you can connect to Wi-Fi and 2) importance of software updates.

Below is a photo of what the Settings app icon looks like.

Settings app icon on an iPhone that is a grey square with mechanical gear in the centre

The Settings app icon is a grey square with a mechanical gear in the center. It is located on the home screen.

The Settings app is one that you will use quite often. The first thing I want to show you is how to connect to Wi-Fi. Let’s check it out.